Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Computer and Grades

This chapter presents the background of the study, problem and its significance, and the scope and limitation of the study. Background of the Study In this Information Age we are able to process or transmit, sort and retrieve data or information between one computer to another. With this, it makes the communication and different task done easy and less time consuming and hassle free. Like in schools, offices this brings a big help. In schools especially in colleges/ universities it is consist of different people and machine that work together to achieve one common goal.One of this goal is the transferring of data or information of computed grades of the student on how they performed academically in their different respective subject. On latter days, instructors manually computing the grades of their students then input it in computer, print it for them to have the hard copy. One is for their own then the other copy for the registrar or dean whom they passed the reports of the grades. But with this grading system, they can compute or tabulates the grades of their students computerized, easily and efficiently, less paper works and they can pass it through computer to the registrar and dean.And most important is that the student can quickly response if he have a problem with his grades because of the system SMS notification. The student will receive a SMS notification if he is needed to comply or talk with his respective instructor about his academic performance or grades. This will help the student that always have the reason of it was too late when they know that they failed on that subject so they were not able to comply or talk with their instructor. Objectives of the Study The main objective of the study is to minimize the task of the instructor.Registrar. This study will benefit and help the registrar to monitor the student list and information with the grades coming from their instructors. Dean. This study will benefit and help the dean of this college to m onitor the class standings and per term submission of grades of the students by the instructors. Future Researchers. This study will serves as reference for the future researchers on their future study. Scope and Delimitation This study covers the CLC College of Stop. NIH, Japan City grading system.It also includes how these students will comply eventually on their grades problems with the use of SMS notification. This study focuses on the problem on how the student list be monitor and update timely and how the grades of the student will compute accurately and efficiently that will help the student and instructor to communicate despite of their busy and different schedule if they have something to settle that deals with the grade or class standing of the student. And this study focuses to suggested ways or solutions to avoid the students for being fail in different subjects.Make the student responsible for his studying and completes the requirements with his subjects as a student. D efinition of Terms 1 . Information Age – Growth of information industry where information can be sorted, stored and retrieved from one computer to another. 2. Comply – To complete, reform what is due, and to be courteous. 3. System Development Life Cycle – System Life Cycle is an organizational process of developing and maintaining systems. It helps in establishing a system project plan, because it gives overall list of processes and sub-processes required for developing a system.Chapter II The Review of Related Literature and Studies Foreign Literature According to John Palmer, Robert Williams & Heinz Dither Curtain University of Technology, Perth, WA, Australia (2011) they stated that: â€Å"Automated marking of assignments consisting of written text would doubtless be of teachers and education administrators alike. When large numbers of assignments are submitted at once, teachers find themselves bogged down in their attempt to provide consistent evaluations and high quality feedback to students within as short a timeshare as is reasonable, usually a matter of days rather than weeks.Educational administrators are also concerned with quality and timely feedback, but in addition must manage the cost of doing this work. Clearly an automated system would be a highly desirable addition to the educational tool-kit, particularly if it can provide less costly and more effective outcome. In this paper we present a description and evaluation of four automated essay grading systems. We then report on our trial of one of these systems which was undertaken at Curtain University of Technology in the first half of 2011.The purpose of the trial was to assess whether automated essay grading was feasible, economically viable and as accurate as manually grading the essays. Within the Curtain Business School we have not previously used automated grading systems but the benefit could be enormous given the very large numbers of students in some first year su bjects. As we evaluate the results of our trial, a research and development direction is indicated which we believe will result in improvement over existing system.Keywords: assessment, assignment, automatic, essay, grading, marking, plagiarism† (http://www. Studded. Com/essays/Grading-System-For- Essay. HTML) The said article/essay that the grading system will be usable when it comes in grading especially to first year students. And when that system can be implemented, they can provide to students a good evaluation, and a timely feedback. So that, the proponents' proposed this study in order to have a good and timely dieback for the students.In a study conducted by Evangelists (2009) she stated that: â€Å"The Online Student Information System of Simon Fraser University of Canada is a secure, web accessible interactive computer system that allows user access to grade, reports, transcripts, schedule of classes, and remaining balance for the semester and register for classes o nline. † (http://www. Studded. Com/essays/Review-Of-Related- Foreign-Literature. HTML) The said article/essay that the system of the Simon Fraser University is secured, accessible and efficient to use because all the information that hey need in their university is encoded on their system.This article helps the proponents' to make the proposed system more accurate, convenient to use, understandable and make it user friendly environment. In a study conducted by Salem, University (2010) the school stated that: â€Å"In today's generation, we are engaged in highly computerized technology aiming to enhance individual lifestyle. The manual system is now considered obsolete after the birth of the computerized system. Computerized Grading System is now very common today's generation. † (http:// www. Studded. Com/essays/Fortunetelling. HTML) The said article/essay/ that our generation is innovated time-to-time. Nowadays, every companies or establishments is using a technology t o provide fast transactions and encoding data's much easier. This innovation helps the proponents' proposed study to provide more usable system. Local Literature In a study conducted by McFarland, Migration and Maiden (2009) they stated that: â€Å"A teaching and learning radically changed with advances in technology. Research shows that the computer can be an effective tool in both teaching and learning.As a part of innovation, computer and internet became a part of our need in learning. It helps us to know anything and connect us to everybody. It helps us also to learn something in a quick and easiest way by providing relevant and informative information online. † (http://www. Studded. Com/essays/Assessment-Of-Online- Grading-System-7655755. HTML) The said article/essay that every piece of information that we need, the computer can provide it through accessing the internet. And also it would be very helpful to the students who are engaging research papers.So that, the propo nents' proposed system should be able to give information to the user. In a study conducted by (Beg, 2010) he stated that: Manual also is using old method without the help of the technology or maybe less to perform certain task or work. For example using type writer to write a report or keep documents in the paper folder. While computerized system is using latest technology of CIT to carry out various tasks that is more effective compare to manual system in terms of the productivity and the time usage. † (http://www. Studded. Mom/essays/ Online-student-Information-system-1871749. HTML) The said article/essay that computer systems is easy to use rather than the manual system which is filing, using papers to store information's etc. But when it comes to computerized system, it is timeless and doubtless to encode & retrieve information's encoded on that system. So that, the proponents' proposed this study to help the user make their time be manageable. In a study conducted by Nat ional University (2011) the school stated that: â€Å"Nowadays, technology plays a very important role to our lives.We all knew that technology grows fast and the demand for human resources increased. Life in every aspect such as business transactions when it comes to doing heavy paper works, arranging, sorting now has come to find its solution to make task easier and less time consuming. We can say that all companies adopted what the technology offers. This is through the process of computerizing. With its help, all transaction inside and outside the business world can be done in an easy way. † (http:// www. Studded. Com/essays/Grading-System. HTML) The said article/essay that life made easy when using a computerized system, it is because the things that the human did manually, it can be done automatically through the help of a system, and the human efforts will be reduced. So that, the proponents' proposed this study to lessen the human efforts. Related Studies Foreign Stud ies In a study conducted by AY Hydraulically (2012) he stated that: â€Å"The first regular school be established in Bahrain, It's was established in 1919. The education in Bahrain was limited to education in chronic schools who are studying the Koran.However, AY Hydraulically was limited to the teaching the children of rich people and the owners of the important centers in the centers in the country and then become the public from people. It's a doubted by the ministry of education in Bahrain. As the time go to the school has improved it teaching system and the activates to make the studying more effective for the student and now this school have been secondary school for boys in Marjoram. Now, the school is using a manual grading system in which they are using papers, files, cards and calculators to calculate the marks of each student.This type of grading is very difficult and take a long term in calculating the grade of each student, and the school spends money every year for pa per files and other things, as well as there is big ability for losing or damaging the document. † (http://www. Demoded. Com/essays/Related-About- Grading-system-1077246. HTML) The said article/essay that manual computing of grades is taking too much time, and also, the school is able to pay for the papers that the students needed for storing their information's.So that, the proponents' proposed this study to avoid paying such papers and spending too much amount of money. In a study conducted by Golden Valley – Annealed Group of Schools (2012) the school stated that: â€Å"The grades of each student, which is the traditional use when technology is not yet developed. Manual computation is very prompt to risk for any resistances. It is time consuming in terms of recording grades, computation using of calculator. If some records are lost, they never retrieve it in case of unexpected calamity. Accuracy and security is not been so defined in their manual system. (http://Stu dded. Com/essays/Grading-System-1232996. HTML) The said article/essay that manual computation is very risky, because there is a possibility of loses and damaging the documents. And it is time-taking when recording grades into the papers. So that, the proponents' proposed this system to avoid damaging & loses of information needed by the instructor. In as study conducted by possible Axes (2008) he stated that: â€Å"Upgrading the computer information system is not an option in this technology driven era: it is a requirement.Companies that use an up-to-date information system to gather, assimilate, and evaluate internal as well as external information are gaining competitive advantage over other firms. Management is quicker to cater customer's need and complaints. With the growth of communication networks, there are almost no barriers between the firm's management employees, customers and suppliers. Networks computing system have made new modes of work. (http://Studded. Com/essays/ni ne- Student-Information-system-1871749. HTML) The said article/essay that up-to-date system is more efficient to use, because all the information needed by the customer, employees etc. Is not a barrier by the system, because computerized system has a components to interact to us humans. So that, the proponents' proposed this study to help the user easily retrieved information needed. Local Studies In a study conducted by San Sebastian College Recollects (2011) the school stated that: â€Å"Began over 4 years ago; many things in this school have gone from manual to automate.And because a typical problem in a starting school are Grading Systems. I noticed that this systems does not exist in this school. Grading System means marking the task for professors in computing and calculating grades will become easy and not only that the professors will have an advantage but the student will also get a gain, because it will also improve accuracy of calculations thus making the what we call â €Å"Hula of Grades† will become non-existent in the future of San Sebastian Recollects. † (http://www. Studded. Com/essays/Computerized-Grading- Systematizes. Ml) The said article/essay that when the instructor is using a computerized grading system, their task as an instructor will be lessen because as we all know that computing of grades is not an easy work. So the proponents' proposed this study to help the user compute the grades of the students automatically. That: â€Å"One of the fastest growing institutions in the City of Basis will new opportunities rising continually in hundreds of different fields. System analyst matches the requirements of the school and set up an interview between the key people.Interviews are then conducted, and the candidates selected in the interview re one of the teachers of the basic education department. This project examines the issues related to Online Grading System that implements a web-based application composed of the Grade Sch ool and High School Department. This would create a system of reliable and accurate to compute grades in all different subjects in the Basic Education Department. A comparatively fast access of information of grades; generate reports, and information of the inputs of the teachers.This will be designed through web-based with the use of Myself as database management with the intent to generate reports. It helps the teachers minimize the time consumed in computing grades of the student using manual method. It also focused each of the underlying technologies used to create and implement the application. † (http:// www. Studded. Com/essays/Online-Grading-System-610544. HTML) The said article/ essay that when the instructor using a web-based grading system, the students will have an information regarding on the standing of their grades.And also, the instructor's is not able to use a calculator to compute the grades of each student, because it can be done by the system. So the propon ents' proposed this study to inform both students and parents regarding on the standing of the grades by the student. In a study conducted by the Informatics International Dilemma College (2012) the school stated that: â€Å"One of the fastest growing institutions with new opportunities rising continually in hundreds of different fields.This project examines the issues related to Online Grading System that implements a web-based application composed of the Grade School and High School Department. This would create a system of reliable and accurate to compute grades in all different subjects in the Basic Education Department. A comparatively fast access of information of grades; generate reports, and information of the input of teachers. This will be designed through web-based with the use of Myself as database management with the intent to generate reports. (http://www. Studded. Com/essays/Online-Grading- System-10361 53. HTML) The said article/essay that when the user which is the instructor use the online grading system, they will not be able to use the standard computing which is using a calculator. So that, the proponents' proposed this study to help the user to encode & retrieved the grades of each students in easy way. Synthesis The proponents believe that each and every literature and studies stated in this research is related on their proposed study.The proponents relate and differentiate the research based on the flow of their system analysis from the proposed study. And the proponents' believed that every literature and studies has their own existing system that they are using, even if it's manual or computerized system. The proponents' rely on both systems to improve the proposed study. Chapter Ill Materials and Methods This chapter includes the research design, respondents of study, data gathering lolls, statistical tools, system design and methods use in Developing the software used by the researcher to conduct the study.Research Design The resea rchers choose the Developmental (developing system) of materials and method. This Research design specifically designed to aid in the development of existing system and its interfaces. Respondents This study involves 10 students, 5 Faculty members, 1 Registrar and 1 Dean of CLC College of Japan, because the researchers want to know if the students will agree to the system main goal and aim to benefit for the convenience of the proposed yester.Because those students are in different year level and have different course, and they taking different subjects that are consists of the different grades and instructor that they will not able to know at all if they have problems or not regards to their academic performance. So the researchers will get accurate information about their research. And those instructors know what and how the grading system procedures so that the proponents will understand the flow of the proposed system. The proponents want to learn about how and the limits of the registrar and dean of he school in viewing students and instructors records.Data Gathering Procedure These are the instruments or tools for gathering data in research used as basis for drawing conclusions or making inferences. Some of these tools are based on observation, interview, survey, research and questionnaires used by the proponents as they conduct the proposed study. System Design System Flow Chart System Flowchart it is formalized graphic representation of a program logic sequence, work or manufacturing process, organizing chart, or similar formalized structure.It uses different symbols or shapes that represent the step by step procedure of the system connected by flow lines. Data Flow Diagram A data flow diagram (DVD) is a graphical representation of the â€Å"flow† of data through an information system, modeling its process aspects. Often they are a preliminary step used to create an overview of the system which can later be elaborated. It represents diagram whic h tells the flow of the system from the start until to the last procedure on how the user will use the system proposed by the proponents. Entity-Relationship DiagramAn Entity-Relationship Diagram (RED) is a logical representation of an organization's data. Entities – Major categories of data and are represented by rectangles. Attributes – Characteristics of entities and are listed within entity eclipses. And their Relationships listed and represented by diamonds. Methods used in Developing the Software System Development Life Cycle System Life Cycle is an organizational process of developing and maintaining systems. It helps in establishing a system project plan, because it gives overall list of processes and sub-processes required for developing a system.Chapter IV Results and Discussion Project Description Grading System with SMS Notification is a LANA-Based System. This system is composed of five aspects. 1) Accuracy – this system is accurate every time that the instructor needs to encode the grade of the student it is because this system has the capability to calculate the encoded scores correctly. 2) Time Management – this system is favorable to the instructor who wants to engaged in managing of their time, because this computerized grading system can make their time manageable, because their task will be lessen in computing the grades manually. Usable – this is very useful every time that the instructor need to compute the grade of each student because this system can stored data on the database which is secured and the losses of each data will be lessen compared to the manual computation of grades. 4) Easy to Use – it is understandable to use by the user because of the separation of interfaces of who are logged on in the system, the proponents separates the interface according on the task of the user. 5) Informed – every end of the term the students will receive a notification from this system according t o their status to be able for them to know about the status of their grades.The Grading System with SMS Notification has three interfaces according to the profession of the user. The instructor, has an interface to create, update and view the grades of each student. The Registrar, has an interface to view the grades of each student every end of the semester encoded by the instructor. The Dean, has the interface to view the grades of the student every end of the term. The Grading System with SMS Notification can send information according to the registered phone umber of the student on the system whether it is a personal phone number or the phone number of their guardian.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Greek Heroes Comparison with Modern Movies Essay

Greek mythology talks about different stories of heroes and villains in ancient times. I believe most of the stories are about war and tragedy. To name some are Ajax and the Trojan war. However, learning these different stories is very fascinating and intriguing. Each of the characters had his own goal to achieve whether or not with the help of someone (i. e. god or goddess). Below are five Greek heroes in ancient literature that showed their own ideals, talents and personality in the works of Homer, Hesiod and Sophocles. Homer’s â€Å"Iliad†: 1. Achilles. The greatest Greek warrior of the Trojan War. He was in love with Briseis whom Agamemnon commanded him to replace the enslaved Chryseis (Wikipedia, 2009). 2. Hector. He was a Trojan prince and a spearman whom Achilles has killed to avenge his friend Patroclus’s death. He was the greatest fighter of Troy (Wikipedia, 2009). Hesiod’s â€Å"Theogony†: 3. Prometheus. He was a Titan god [of fire] and his name literally means â€Å"forethought†. It is said that he was ambivalent and a lowly challenger of Zeus. (Answers, 2009). 4. Eros. He was the Greek god of love, lust, beauty and intercourse, and son of Aphrodite. He is represented by a naked child carrying bow and arrow. He sprang from the primordial Chaos together with Gaea (the Earth), and Tartarus (the underworld). He fell in love with Psyche and lived with her in his home but later on, their brittle peace was ruined by her jealous sisters. (Answers, 2009). Sophocles’s â€Å"Ajax†: 5. Odysseus. He was a great warrior, a rival of Ajax who was favored by the goddess Athena. He took pity on the delusional Ajax. He was the one who convinced the king to have Ajax buried despite of their past conflicts (Nathanbauman, 2009). Developing a character in a modern movie The five aforementioned Greek heroes built a composite picture of ancient heroic model in the modern movie character like Jason Bourne in The Bourne Identity [and its sequels The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum] by Robert Ludlum, which is based on his novel of the same title. The movie portrays a spy who lost his memory and who is in constant run (Liman, 2002). The Jason Bourne character is strong, loving, life-preserving, a fighter and a challenger. He is being chased by the members of his previous team to eliminate him. This is to preserve the secret that the team has done in the past – the assassination attempt on the dictator Nyakwana Wombosi. Other spies and hitmen were also sent to go after him but they were all eliminated instead by him (Liman, 2002). Strong and fighter. Like Achilles, Hector and Odysseus, Jason Bourne is strong and a very good fighter. He has the instinct of self-preservation even though he lost his memory. He used advanced hand-to-hand combat (see Figure 1) and sometimes with the use of weapons, whichever is close at hand and available . It can be seen in the movie that he knocked the two police officers unconscious, who attempted to arrest him in the park for sleeping and without ID. Other scenes were when he Your Surname Here and page number was in the bank and the U. S. Consolate. He was then chased by the police and authorities, respectively. At the time that he was on the run, that was when he met Marie. He offered her money to drive for him and away from his pursuers (Liman, 2002). Loving. Like Eros and Psyche, they fell in love with each other (see Figure 1). And yet, to be able to protect Marie from all the danger he is facing, he separated himself from her; he sent her away even though they were already attached to each other. She originally did not want to leave him but he insisted (Liman, 2002). Challenger. Just like Prometheus, Jason Bourne is considered a lowly challenger to the CIA. He is alone but he accepted the challenge of risking his life just to find out his true identity and his past. Even though he did not know what the real deal was, he did not let himself lose to those men who wanted him dead. Figure 1. The Bourne Identity. A photo of Jason Bourne running, fighting with a hitman and kissing Marie (Liman, 2002). Works Cited Answers. com. Eros. July 2009. Answers. com. Prometheus. July 2009. Liman, Doug. The Bourne Identity. Perf. Matt Damon. Universal Studios, 2002. Nathanbauman. com. Odysseus. January 2009. Wikipedia. com. Achilles. July 2009.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Furniture Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Furniture Marketing - Case Study Example The owner, Martin Smith has designed a new product and is willing to launch it on 25th of March 2010. As the world is currently experiencing a recession, consideration will need to be paid to the price and dynamics of the product. This will be achieved by the marketing and strategy plan. Having experience for eight years in producing furniture, Mr. Martin has come up with the idea of producing a computer desk that can be used to study as well. What makes this product different from other computer desks in the market is the ability to adjust the size and adapt to the room size (Bennington, 2004). The product design is attractive and can be ordered in different colors. The non-adjustable part of the desk is 75cm (horizontal). There are extensions on either side of the desk that can be extended by 40cm. Its height is 72cm and the legs are metallic. Both sides of the desk have drawer space which can contain CDs, books or the PC case. The total weight will be 67.5Kg. The current UK legislation may have a negative impact due to increase in taxes. If taxes increase this increase may have to be passed down to the customer. Thus price of the product will increase. This will affect the business. Transport costs too would be affected. Because of credit crunch many students from different cultural backgrounds will be reluctant to register in universities. ... The cost of the desk is affordable to the majority Since there are some value added features in this product there is bound to be greater demand for this desk Weaknesses Since there are many similar products in the market there will be a stiff competition Since this is a new product the people would be reluctant to buy it Opportunities Since computers are used by the majority of the public at homes, offices, universities and colleges there is a greater demand for computer desks. Product placement strategy related opportunities. Company can place the product in well researched market segments like universities and colleges in London. It can make use of its manufacturing division and technical control division to enhance efficiency by reducing costs. Threats Market penetration pricing strategy adopted by rival furniture manufactures is a threat. Total Concept also has to adopt a similar strategy. The bigger rivals have a better supply chain advantage. They buy products at cheaper prices thus can afford to sell it at cheaper prices 3.2 PEST Analysis PEST Analysis is a strategic analysis method that is used to understand market growth and the business position potentials and directions. Political The current UK legislation may have a negative impact due to increase in taxes. If taxes increase this increase may have to be passed down to the customer. Thus price of the product will increase. This will affect the business. Transport costs too would be affected. Social Because of credit crunch many students from different cultural backgrounds will be reluctant to register in universities. This will have a negative effect on the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - Research Paper Example It quickly became apparent to all as soon as the scandal became public that both it and the cause behind it could have been avoided. To try to prevent other corporate scandals and collapses from happening, President George W. Bush signed into law the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, named for its sponsors, which would establish measures for corporate oversight and promise stiff punishments for those that even attempted, knowingly or unknowingly, to engage in corporate fraud (Bumiller, 2002). Promising to hold the top echelon of corporate executives accountable, and overhauling auditing and recording practices, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was declared to be the most far-reaching reform of the United States of America since the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Bumiller, 2002). Enron: From Start, to Scandal The story of what would be one of the largest scandals in history started in 1985, when Enron came into existence as Kenneth Lay combined his company, Houston Natural Gas, with InterNorth Corporatio n to form Enron (National Public Radio, 2002). Hoping to gain further profits and showcase its new status as not just a business but a competitor, Enron started to market what was known as futures contracts or the delivery of natural gas to buyers for a certain price at some point in time in the future (National Public Radio, 2002). Like a giant game of Monopoly, Enron worked the boards buying and selling, building profits while growing the business larger and larger, expanding its business. Unfortunately, the investments and contracts that Enron had become known for by 2001 did next to nothing in terms of earning money. The investments that were made and secured largely were not turning a profit, or even earning a return (National Public Radio, 2002). Enron had invested sums of its own corporate funds in operations that, it had hoped, would provide even more money with which to run the business, thus creating a cycle of profit (National Public Radio, 2002). That money never materia lized, though this was kept secret until Enron filed for bankruptcy. The ensuing scandal brought about major reforms in the way accounting practices and audits were conducted, starting with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Enron and GAAP Violations Above all, the biggest question posed to Enron was, what exactly happened? By all accounts, it appeared to be doing well. Even its own employees did not suspect wrongdoings within the company (Cruver, 2003). Unfortunately, Enron also violated Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), or guidelines set out for the preparation of financial statements, in a number of ways (Cunningham & Harris, 2006). While this was not the entire reason for the collapse of the giant that left many without jobs and executives heading to jail for their actions, the ignorance and violation of GAAP principles may well have been the starting point.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Role of NGO in Defining Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

The Role of NGO in Defining Human Rights - Essay Example Since they have come from other nations, they might be naive to the language, rules, and observances, and less capable to claim their civil liberties. This causes them to face prejudice and makes them vulnerable to uneven treatment and uneven prospects at employment and also in their day to day affairs.   The Amnesty International has made efforts to promote and safeguard the liberties of those segments of the society including the immigrants and refugee workers. Amnesty international held that because of the nature of humanity immigrants are at liberty to be safeguarded of their civil liberties. This right comprises of the securing and safeguarding of their liberties during the whole period of migration in nations of origin, travel, and destination.   After the cold war, the NGO segment related to the migrant security has developed to a very large extent. The people have become more conscious and anxious with respect to the cruel laws, regulations, and procedures which affect the migrants. In the present day, there are hardly a few nations in the world that haven’t been concerned by the migrants’ problem and therefore the NGO’S are engaged with the refugee protection rights.† A migrant's human rights are largely defined by the migration "category" to which he or she belongs, and by the reasons underlying that migration. At one end of the human rights/migration spectrum are voluntary migrants, including migrant workers and other economic migrants. At the other end, more than 10 million refugees are forced to leave their countries to escape persecution.† (Grant 2005).   Immigrants activists argue that inequity, poverty, armed clashes, racial discrimination, fanaticism etc in the home country are the core reasons for immigration along with other exterior reasons like globalization.

Comparing Consumer and Organizational Buyer Behaviour in the UK Essay

Comparing Consumer and Organizational Buyer Behaviour in the UK Desktop Printer Market - Essay Example It is for this reason that companies have to continue investing in research and development in order to produce more innovative products that competitors. The printers industry is experiencing the same challenges, especially in the desktop printer market; innovation is driving firms into developing new products with sophisticated level of technology and performance. In the UK, the desktop printer market is witnessing competition from the digital media market, thanks to advancement in technology. Indeed, statistics show that growth in the UK’s printer market has been in decline compared to other Western Europe countries like France and Germany. However, firms have continued to invest heavily in diversification of their product lines, with competition now shifting from all-purpose printers to 3D printers. Generally, there are two main buyers for desktop printers including consumers for home use and organizations for office use. Here, firms are concentrating on building positioni ng strategies that make them more attractive to the customers. Despite facing competition from digital media, firms have top compete among themselves, with major manufacturers such as HP, Samsung, Canon, and Epson among others investing heavily in advertising and other forms of promotion. This paper will examine and discuss the desktop printer market in the UK. ... n on decline; indeed, the downward trend is expected to continue in the current year, despite the industry being one of the largest in the UK, employing over 77,000 people (Ibis World, 2013). For quite a long time, the inkjet printers have dominated the printer market; however, other types of printers have taken the market by storm and have claimed a sizeable market share, among them being the laser printers and the recently introduced 3D printers. As a result, consumers and organizations have a variety of options from which to choose. With the technology shifting from analogue to digital, it means that new products have also to be digital in order to be relevant. It is for this reason that most recent printers are digital, making them more efficient and convenient to use. Indeed, it is now easy to buy a digital inkjet printer or a laser printer from the market. Importantly, technology has allowed the printer market to diversify further by introducing the 3D printers, which have been received warmly by consumers, thanks to their affordable prices and high quality printing capability. Indeed, almost every company is going for the 3D desktop printers due to the rising demand, especially from architects and home users, as well as from education institutions. It is no wonder that the UK government has established a program to sponsor teaching of 3D technology in schools. The UK market of desktop printers is highly competitive, as almost every large manufacturer of printers is available in the UK. These firms include HP, Canon, Epson, Samsung, and Kodak among others, all of which tend to outdo each other in terms of product differentiation and marketing strategy. The presence of such a big array of operators in the market means that entry to the market is very easy –

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflection on social media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection on social media - Essay Example The cons of social media use in my organization mainly include the tendency of workers to use the office time for personal tasks e.g. blogging and chatting rather than for work leading to reduced productivity of workers, increased susceptibility to release of secret information or strategic plans to external entities, occasional experience of difficulty in using personal USB devices at the workplace, chances of distorted relations among peers or with bosses because of non-acceptance of friends requests or adjustments of the personal profile settings, and increased awareness about the ongoing changes and happenings in the personal and social lives of the workers occasionally leading to doubts and curiosity. Since use of social media is a very important element of work in my organization, management assumes huge responsibility of training the workers in the use of social media to ensure that the policies are complied with. My organization achieves this by introducing the new employees to the policy of our hospital on the use of the Internet as well as social media within the very first week of the commencement of service. In addition to that, every year, employees of the Department of Defense and military conduct a mandatory online class on the hospital’s policies on media and the Internet. These measures have helped create awareness regarding the organizational policies on the use of social media among the organizational personnel. Management ensures compliance with these policies on the part of the workers by holding the violators accountable for the violations of the policies and imposing fines upon them. Because of this, violation of policies at my organization happens very r arely and the system is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Example of science being used in my World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Example of science being used in my World - Essay Example st who had won Tour De France seven times at a stretch was disqualified from the victories because he was accused of doping charges by the Anti-doping Agency of the United States. Thus the discoveries in the areas of science and medicine can accentuate the performance of human beings which otherwise could not have been done. However men often forget their limitations and exploit medicine and science in a negative way as in case of doping. Excessive use of these prohibitive drugs can have adverse effects on the health of the sports persons. Kids who want to be strong are also provoked by these drugs and harm themselves The government has to take care of the issue by arresting the production and sale of these drugs. License should be imposed on retailers and online retailing of these drugs should also be controlled. The society as a whole should take responsibility to control this criminal offense and live life in the most natural way

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Family business research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family business research - Essay Example Rathgeber and Richard N. Dino. COMPARE AND CONTRAST OF THE COMMON ISSUES FACED BY FAMILY BUSINESSES IN DIFFERENT NATIONS Succession Planning. Study of the Australian family businesses also revealed that formal ownership and management succession planning remains to be a less considered option in many family businesses, wherein more than a half of the total family business proprietors tend to engage in estate planning following the footsteps of their senior family members. With regards to the family businesses operating in the US, the survey report found that 39% of respondents need to worry about their business succession plan and future sustainability plan, where less than 50% of the family businesses are able to constrict their managerial control within the descendants of the actual proprietor. Consequently, the survey results depicted that in the US, the most challenging issue faced by family businesses is succession planning (as ranked by 52% of the total survey respondents) as c ompared to the Australian family business and others (Rathgeber and Dino 9-18). Strategic Planning. The other most important issue commonly faced by the family businesses is strategic planning. As per the recent survey report of Rathgeber and Dino, it was found that in the US based family businesses, strategic planning (which is ranked as the most challenging issue by 20% of the US respondents) is considered to be one of the biggest issues. Reflecting a similar scenario, in Australia, the issue related to strategic planning, is also referred as the key issue in family businesses (Rathgeber and Dino 9-18). Comparatively, in the survey conducted by KPMG, it has been evidently revealed that in the global context, the family business owners tend to focus on the strategic planning issues very frequently as compared to other managerial challenges. Building a good strategic planning is very much significant for the family business owners in any country, wherein most entrepreneurs (especial ly those belonging to the previous generation) show deficiency in terms of having adequate knowledge regarding the changing requirements of businesses at corporate levels in the 21st century (International Centre For Families In Business 1-7; KPMG 6-12). Governance. From the survey report of KPMG it was also found that 80% of the male members hold this position rather than women in Australia, which apparently depicts a gender based segregation persisting in this particular realm of the global business world that imposes considerable effects on their governance systems (6-12). Comparatively, although the top level decision makers in family businesses commonly involve the male members of the family, middle level management positions, such as General Managers and member of the mid-level management team involves approximately 30% of females in Australian family businesses unlike the US and the UK, where parity in gender bases are more apparent in the managerial positions of family busin esses’ governance structure (International Centre For Families In Business 1-7; KPMG 6-12). Conflicts. Survey report conducted by Rathgeber and Dino revealed that in the US, conflicts hamper around 24% of the respondents of the family

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Urban design studentship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Urban design studentship - Essay Example Studying design in the context of urban locations is essential to practical training because of the importance of being able to see real people within the designed spaces. The importance of the understanding the urban spaces as a means of understanding the people that live there is emphasized by the development of urban archaeology, a study â€Å"concerned with the reconstruction of the natural and human environment within which and as part of which human actions take place† (Chapter 8, 2008). This is because the whole purpose of urban design is to create a pleasing â€Å"visual effect of building masses, connections with people and places, creation of spaces for movements, urban amenities and public realm, and †¦ improving the overall townscape† (Government, 2006). In working out the management of a specific place, there are invariably a number of people involved in the process and, when becoming enveloped within the design process, it is often too easy to forget to consider the actual use of the spaces being designed, the history involved and the personal connections that have been made with the space. â€Å"There is a core group whose understanding of the relationship between urban structure, spaces and buildings, and ability to develop three-dimensional concepts is central† (Olszewski & Pudlowski, 2001). This understanding can only be acquired by experience. Practical experience of designed spaces enables the urban designer to begin understanding the various ways in which people have used a particular location in ways that are difficult to simulate using tools such as augmented reality. â€Å"Sensations triggered by ‘grasping’ and ‘moving’ aid the designers’ cognitive process and their awareness of ‘being inside’† (Seichter & Schnabel, 2005), but the actual physical space remains difficult to understand in the virtual environment. However, the difficulty remains how to experience the nature of the people, culture and locations

Monday, July 22, 2019

How Much Co2 Lab Essay Example for Free

How Much Co2 Lab Essay Experimental: An Alka-Seltzer tablet was accurately weighed and recorded using a weighing boat and analytical balance. A fragmented piece between 0. 2100g and 0. 2800g was also weighed and recorded. 500mL of water was placed in a 600mL beaker. 80mL of water was then mixed with 20mL of 6M HCl in a 150mL beaker to create 1. 2M HCl. A 1. 5g piece of Alka-Seltzer tablet was then added to the HCl solution. After complete evolution of CO2, gravity filtration was used to catch all of the starch produced from the reaction. The buret was filled with the filtrated solution and the glass tube end of a rubber tube was inserted about 2 inches into the mouth of the buret. While keeping a finger over the buret mouth, the entire buret was quickly inverted and the tubing and mouth completely submerged into the water in the 600mL beaker. The buret was then clamped into place while double checking the buret mouth was under the water level and the rubber tubing was not pinched. The stopcock was then opened extremely slowly until the water level in the buret dropped close to the 50. 00mL mark. This level was then recorded. 25mL of the prepared HCl solution was added to a 125mL Erlenmeyer flask, along with a 0. 5-1. 0g piece of Alka-Seltzer tablet. After complete evolution of CO2, the neck of the flask and rubber stopper were completely dried. The tablet fragment earlier weighed (between 0. 21-0. 28g) was then added to the flask followed by immediate insertion of the stopper to ensure a tight seal. 5 minutes after the CO2 has been generated, the new water level of the buret was recorded, along with the distance in inches between the buret and beaker’s water levels. Lastly, the prevailing atmospheric pressure, temperature of the water, and approximate volume of the room was recorded. Results and Calculations Table 1 Experimental Values Experimental Values| Measurements| Current pressure of the room| 29. 3 in. Hg| Mass of entire tablet| 3. 2545 g| Mass of fragment| 0. 2524 g| Buret water level (start)| 45. 62 mL| Buret water level (end)| 7. 50 mL| Distance between buret and beaker water level| 3. 625 inches| Temperature of the water/room| 21. 8Â °C| Pressure of water at 21. 8Â °C| 19. 587 torr| Length, width, height of the room| 1463cm, 792cm, 366cm | Conversions: Temperature of the Room: 21. 8Â °C + 273. 15 = 294. 95K Volume of the room: (l? w? h) = (1463cm)(792cm)(366cm) = 424 x 108 cm3 = 424073L Pressure of room: 29. 3 in. Hg x 760 mmHg x 760 torr = 744. 3 torr 29. 92 in. Hg 760 mmHg 29. 3 in. Hg x 1 atm = 0. 97927 atm 29. 92 in. Hg Calculations: PÂ °atm = Patm – ( in. of H2O )( 1. 87 torr/in. of H2O ) = (744. 3 torr) – (3. 625 in. )(1. 87 torr/in. ) = 737. 521 torr PCO2 = PÂ °atm – PH2O = (737. 521 torr) – (19. 87 torr) = 717. 934 torr x 1 atm = 0. 94465 atm 760 torr VCO2 = 45. 62mL – 7. 50mL = 38. 12mL = 38. 12mL x (1L/1000mL) = 0. 03812 L NCO2 = PCO2VCO2/RT = ( 0. 94465atm )( 0. 03812L ) = 0. 0014873 mol CO2 ( 0. 08206 L? atm/mol? K )(294. 95 K) Moles of CO2 one tablet produces: (moles CO2) x (mass tablet/mass fragment) = (0. 0014873 mol CO2) x (3. 2545g / 0. 2524g) = 0. 019178 moles CO2 in tablet Moles of the room: Nroom = ProomV room/RT = (0. 9727atm)(424073L)/(0. 08206 L? atm/mol? K )(294. 95 K) = 17,042. 7 moles in room of tablets required to fill room: (moles of room) / (moles of CO2 per tablet) = (17,042. 7 moles) / (0. 019178 mol CO2) = 8. 887 x 105 tablets Mass of NaHCO3 needed to fill room with CO2: = 8. 887 x 105 tablets x 0. 019178 moles CO2 x 1 mol NaHCO3 x 84. 01g NaHCO3 1 tablet 1 mol CO2 1 mol NaHCO3 = 1. 432 x 106 g NaHCO3 Discussion In order to find the number of tablets needed to produce enough CO2 to fill the room, the ideal gas law was required first to solve for the number of moles of CO2 in one tablet and second the number of moles of the room. To use the ideal gas law, the atmospheric pressure was adjusted for due to the lower pressure in the buret when compared to the outer atmospheric pressure. This unequalization of pressures, although corrected, may still be slightly off, thus potentially causing later calculation error when using the ideal gas law to solve for the moles of CO2. Difficulties in the experiment arose when inverting the buret and completely submerging it into the beaker of water. This is a likely place for error because keeping a finger over the mouth of the buret and sealing the mouth tightly enough during the inverting process was very difficult. If too much of the solution inside the buret leaked out, one would not have enough volume to start with (before the CO2 evolution) and thus would have to remake the solution and repeat the process. Another potential source of error would be the measurement of the size of the room. With so many objects (lab tables, carts, ceiling structures) that also occupy the space, it was very difficult to determine an accurate volume of the room. Thus, the actual number of tablets required to fill the room might be a little bit less when the objects taking up space in the room are considered. Additionally, if the gravity filtration failed to filtrate all of the starch from the HCl solution, the leftover starch could potentially cause a problem in the reaction when the tablet fragment is added to the solution, thus providing more possible sources of error. Another minor source is the sensitive nature of the analytical balance, possibly leading to incorrect weight measurements of the tablet fragments. Another is general human error, such as reading the volume on the buret when determining the amount of CO2 evolved from the fragment. Conclusion In conclusion, the overall experiment proved to be successful; depending on the calculated size of the room, the number of Alka-Seltzer tablets required to produce enough CO2 gas to fill it was able to be determined. The mass of NaHCO3 needed to produce enough CO2 was also able to be calculated due to the fact that one mole of NaHCO3 is equal to one mole of CO2. Using the ideal gas law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, stoichiometry, and conversions, a result was calculated, thus proving that future experiments dealing with the calculation of CO2 evolved from Alka-Seltzer by using an inverted buret can be done successfully.

Politics and Accounting Standards Essay Example for Free

Politics and Accounting Standards Essay Politics and Accounting Standards Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The growth of an enterprise is very important for both internal and external stakeholders. It can be expressed by showing the true and fair view of a company using the financial reports that shows the actual capital allocation of the enterprise. Therefore, financial accounting is very important and it enhances the success of the business. In this context, both the definition and the body that is involved in setting the standard are important in helping to understand clearly the meaning of financial accounting. Financial accounting is the process of preparing and establishing a report on the financial information of an enterprise (.Ball, Ray, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It also shows the true and fair view of the financial statements which are cash flow statement, balance sheet and profit and loss statement. These statements are very essential for the enterprise stakeholders. Financial accounting takes into consideration the management of the business for example, its assets, liabilities and capital(Ball, Ray, 2006). Furthermore, it states its real capital and debts to enable the enterprise stakeholder evaluate the performance of the business. The true and fair view of financial accounting can be achieved by following the rules and policies that govern the people setting the rules.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The rules or rather the standards apply internationally to help ensure that the accounting standards used across the world are uniform (Armstrong, et al 2010). These are the professional regulatory bodies that are responsible for setting the standards for example the International Accounting Standards (IAS), and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) among others. The board that is responsible for setting the standard is the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) among other interested parties(Ball, Ray, 2006). FASB formulates a process that is followed so that it can be able to help in setting new accounting standards. First, the board has a duty to set up a committee that prepares an outline of the task at hand. Secondly, the committee board prepares the objectives for the board comments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After this, the board gives its view on the task outline and then passes it to the committee which in return prepares a discussion paper which entails the committee’s statement of the application proposal standards. Eventually, the committee also obtains views from interested parties and after their view is in the favor of the principle, they go ahead in drafting an exposure and the draft is then published as the IFRS(Ball, Ray, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order, for these standard to be effective and efficient, they are categorized into varies group therefore making it easy for the accounting. The IAS is classified into many classes for example,under the IAS 10, events that occur after the balance sheet date,should not be part of the balance sheet. Every company is required to prepare a balance sheet at the end of the year. Therefore, any entity trying to avoid or present a misleading financial statement is liable and the board provides the contents of the balance sheet. Under the IAS 19, which talks about retirement benefit costs, and the board takes into consideration the accounting of the benefits accruing from the retirement (Aboody, et a l 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The board has a duty to see that no corruption is being practiced and therefore, companies are required to show the true and fair value in terms of the retirement costs. This prevents corruption of the prominent politicians. The IAS 17talks about accounting for leases. It is very important for a company to account for every lease taken since it is a liability. This is made possible because the board provides policies and procedures to be followed in disclosure of the account on lease. Lease is an expense for the company and if not accounted for can lead to false financial statements (Aboody, et a l, 2004).Furthermore, IAS 33talks about earnings per share,whereby all the companies are required to show their profit in terms of profit earned from share. The earning per share is used to the performance of the company which is based on the shares. It is also important for the shareholders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most company and influential parties do not support this standard and therefore it is criticized.IAS 39 is a financial standard which requires that accounting should have recognitionand measurement of assets as well as liabilities. It states that all the entities should take into account of all the assets, liabilities and equity of the business and no relevant material should be left out(Ball, Ray, 2006). The profit, loss and capital should be stated as they appear without any alterations. The IFRS is also divided into classes but in this context, the IFRS 13 is considered. This standard is concerned with the true and fair value of an entity (Armstrong, et al 2010). Itrequires all the entities to state real profit or loss incurred in their financial reports. However, accounting is not sparedfrom criticism and the board experience pressure for different organization that are not in agreement with the standard. Political pressure is one of t he areas whichexert pressure on the board. The standards of accounting requires the organizations or the enterprise to show the true and fair view of the performance of the business (.Ball, Ray,2006).Due to this, most business operating under a loss stand a chance to be wound up and there will be no investors interested in the business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The political pressure that is experienced under the various accounting standards is in terms of legislations which they politicians enact. Some of the legislations contradict the accounting standards whereby businesses in a certain country are required to follow certain regulations in addition to the IAS and IFRS. This creates pressure on companies to try and evade the application of the IAS and IFRS in their reporting. The accounting standards are set to helpindicate the real performance of the business and therefore many world trading entities are affected by this since the competitors are in watch (.Ball, Ray,2006). The amendment of the standard brought about the reclassification of the IFRS and IAS so as to favor the entities that make losses in trading.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been noted that politicians own businesses across the world and closely monitor their businesses the best way they can so that they can make more profits (Armstrong, et al 2010). Therefore, considering that the politicians have the capacity of adjusting the laws on businesses as they deem right, there is likelihood that the policies that they will formulate do not match or support the accounting standards available (.Ball, Ray,2006). What this means is that there will be a lot of pressure on the accounting standards in terms of trying to ensure that the politician-owned businesses adhere to the reporting standards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other way through which politics may put pressure on the various accounting standards listed and discussed above is through the selection of the board members to the FASB (Armstrong, et al 2010). Politicians using their powers on formulation of policies may be inclined to have people in the board that will take care of their personal interest by formulating standards which are not supportive of all businesses equally. This means that whenever there are new standards to be introduced which can be beneficial to the whole business world, the politicians will always influence the final decisions that the board will make pertaining to the new accounting standards (Aboody, et a l 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other issue which is part of the political pressure and interference with the standards is that of political incentives, whichthe major reason for the reclassification of the accounting standards. It is to be noted that the growth of country’seconomy is important but in case where the growth does not reflect the true economic situation, the information shown does not indicate the true and fair values of economy (Aboody, et a l 2004). The same case applies to banks which hold government equity and using the reclassified standards will not show the true and fair value. Therefore, when politicians offer incentives to the board members through corrupt ways and with intentions of promoting their interests, the pressure on the standards continue to mount hence prevents the proper application of the standards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, in conclusion on the effects of politics and politicians on the formulation and application of the financial accounting standards, it can be noted that there is need to prevent political interference on the FASB as well as other regulatory bodies which formulate the standards. The accounting standards are quite important in ensuring proper and accurate information which can be relied upon is produced and reported by companies and organizations. References Aboody, D., M. E. Barth, and R. Kasznik. 2004. Firms’ voluntary recognition of stockbasedCompensation expense. Journal of Accounting Research 42: 123-160. Armstrong, Christopher S./Barth, Mary E./Jagolinzer, Alan D./Riedl, Edward J. (2010). Market Reaction to the Adoption of IFRS in Europe.The Accounting Review, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp.31–61. Ball, Ray (2006). International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors. Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 36, Special Issue, pp. 5–27. Source document

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Basic Position Of Ethical Naturalism Philosophy Essay

The Basic Position Of Ethical Naturalism Philosophy Essay This paper will show the basic position of ethical naturalism, also discuss ways in which science can arguably, and enhance our understanding of morality. I will give descriptions and examples of ethical naturalism to support this passage, it will illustrate various ways science can enhance our understanding of morality as well. Naturalism, sometimes also called definism, is a theory in meta-ethics that holds that ethical terms can be defined; the meaning of ethical sentences can be given in very non-ethical terms. Naturalism is the view that ethical sentences express propositions and that they can be reduced to non-ethical sentences. Non-reductive ethical naturalism holds that moral properties are not reducible to non-moral properties, but are supervenient upon those properties. Naturalistic ethics: a theory of moral behavior according to which ethics is an empirical science. Ethical statements are reduced to the natural sciences (physical or social), and ethical questions are answered wholly based on the findings of those sciences. Ethical naturalism take on several different forms, one of the bigger difficulties in the articulation of the theory is multifarious definitions on nature, natural, and natural law. Some examples of ethical naturalism are, ethical values are reducible to natural properties; a go od action is an action in conformity with the proper function of a thing as in the Stoics notion of activities which are consequential upon a things nature. Ethical values are a distinctive kind property not reducible to those studied by the physical sciences but possibly studied by the social sciences. In a sense, a nihilist can be thought of as one kind of ethical naturalist. Nihilism is the doctrine that there are no moral facts, no moral truths, and no moral knowledge. Moreover, nihilism, as the belief that life is insignificant and death is the end of life, is a doctrine that denies that traditional values, including moral truths, exist. Some nihilists hold that morality is merely a superstitious remnant of religion. Religious morality is fragile when related to science, it is a common idea for the religious, that morality would be pointless if the universe is simply going to die of heat death and that everything, along with us, will cease to exist. A salient philosophical obje ction to ethical naturalism is described by G.E. Moore as the naturalistic fallacy. He argues that the question of goodness can still be raised as to whether a natural property is good. What are proper functions of a person what might not actually be good for them. However, even if they were, they are not the same as, or the definition of, what is good. The first area where science can improve our morality is through simple scientific literacy. Our moral IQ can be informed simply through a broader scientific understanding. With our new understanding of genetics through science, we know more about the diseases of the mind such as bi-polar, manic depression, panic disorder, PTSD, and chemical imbalances we will no longer mistake someones odd behavior as being possessed. Science helps us understand morality better through the study of genetics, we now know more in the way of people. Therefore, we can say that moral progress is tied to scientific progress. As wellbeing is a universal go al for conscious beings, the scientifically informed view of morality in face of this kind of argument could be, we only experience the present, we can only influence the future from through the present, and so in this sense, the present is the only meaningful experience we can discuss. We can say that what increases wellbeing is a scientific question, but that we should increase wellbeing isnt. However, how do we come up with an idea of what is good? What is our basis for saying anything is good? What states lead us to conclude goodness? We cannot through the scientific process ask what is good, but in the sense of understanding the framework of basis for the concept of good, science is a required part. To look at morality in a scientific aspect, if we say life is good then living a good life means living healthy. A scientific inquiry, the methods of science can determine the kinds of diets, exercise regimes, and even health care policies that promote or lead to good health and the avoidance of physical suffering. On this basis, we may be able to say that certain diets or health care initiatives are objectively better or worse than others are. Therefore, we can say people have a moral obligation to be healthy. Using science (natural), we can also say that incest is morally wrong. Science has proven that when two closely related human beings procreate, it substantially increases the likelihood of two deleterious (toxic) recessive genes coming together and producing any of a large variety of conditions that interfere with health. Two people that procreate their differing genetic ancestries are extremely unlikely to carry the same deleterious genes. Many people take many different views on ethics and morality, a lot of discussion on ethical naturalism. With all these different views, science brings forth more and more information all the time and can arguably enhance our understanding of morality, and relationship between ethics and morality. References: Ethics, Crime, and Criminal Justice. Second Edition, pg. 69, Authors: Christopher R. Williams, Bruce A. Arrigo morality/

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Osteoporosis Essay -- essays research papers

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a significant health problem that affects more than 25 million women in the United States and potentially 200 million worldwide. This disease is characterized by diminishing the structure of the skeleton (particular the "spongy" bone). This results in an increased risk of fracture. Osteoporosis develops silently over a period of years, eventually progressing to a point where a fracture can easily occur causing pain and disability. This disease is characterized by low bone mass and structural worsening of your bones, leading to bone fragility. There is an increased chances of damaging the hip, spine, and wrist . Twenty-five million Americans are affected by Osteoporosis, making it a major public health problem. 80% of those affected by osteoporosis are women. One out of every two women and one in five men have an Osteoporosis-related fracture. By age 75, one third of all men will be affected by osteoporosis. While osteoporosis is often thought of as an older person's disease, it can strike at any age. Osteoporosis is responsible for 1.5 million fractures annually, including: -more than 300,000 hip fractures -500,000 vertebral fractures -200,000 wrist fractures Certain some people are more likely to develop Osteoporosis than others. These factors can increase your chances of getting osteoporosis. -A family history of fractures in elderly women -Use of certain medications -Chronically low calcium intake -Thin and/or small bones -An ina...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ecstasy :: essays research papers

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, E, and XTC, is a drug that has two effects. The effects of ecstasy are hallucinogens and stimulants. Ecstasy gives you lots of energy and it also makes you feel no need to eat or sleep. Ecstasy takes about twenty minutes to an hour depending on the person. The effect of amphetamines makes the user feel more energetic, and also makes the user feel like not wanting to eat or sleep, once the effects start to wear off, the user feels happier and at peace. Ecstasy can make your blood pressure go way high. Ecstasy can also make your body temperature and heart rate raise. Side affects of ecstasy effects the user by depressing the user, and causes them serious brain damage. Depression by using ecstasy is caused by low serotonin levels witch happens when you don’t replenish the serotonin you lost when you take ecstasy for a week straight. Ecstasy damages your long and short term memory. In the early twentieth century, germen pharmacologists were doing intense research for new drugs for the public. During that time cocaine, morphine, and heroin, were developed and thought to be medical breakthroughs. However, in the early 1900s the bad effects of these drugs were showing effect. When scientists took drugs from things like plants and such the added stuff and tested them for positive effects. Most of the drugs that were created were never intended to be used by their selves, but made it easier to make other drugs by using these drugs like stepping stones. Despite the stories about ecstasy being used as a appetite suppressant, ecstasy was just created to make other drugs.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are many different ways to take ecstasy; these are the most common ones: Eating the pill- this is the most common way. Swallow the pill like you take a aspirin. Parachuting the pill- when you crush up the pill wrap it in thin paper and swallow that. Railing the pill-this is when you crush up the pill and snort it up your nose.

The Mechanics of War :: War Statistics Papers

The Mechanics of War Recently a new trend has taken up Wall Street. Savvy broker firms have realized that the market is probably controlled by some rules, and those rules have to be found to make more money with the least risk. They hired many mathematicians to look for any formulas that would seem to express the market. Those analyzed previous market trends and used laws of statistics to try to predict the â€Å"future† of the market. The funny thing is that at times this approach actually worked. It yielded a slightly more than fifty percent accuracy, and that was enough. (When dealing with tremendous amounts, even a small percentage is not meager.) Statistics work for everything when there is a lot of it. They work for money, molecules, atoms, star systems, and even people. People tend to adhere to statistics when there is a fair amount of people to stifle the occasional fluctuations in human behavior. Many things we do depend on statistics. Take war for example. War is a very good example, since the outcome depends more on the general strategy of the whole war, than on individual soldiers. It follows definite rules that can be expressed in formulas. The individual people in war tend to become statistics, in the eyes of the high command, the public, as well as in their own perception. Tim O’Brien wonderfully illustrates this in his essay â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story.† He relates that there is no point to any events or actions according to the perception of the soldier during a war. â€Å"You smile and think, ... what’s the point?† (469) he says. A person then becomes nothing more than a statis tic -- a part of a whole behaving in a random way. If there is no point to existence, then his actions are truly random. Something truly random can be easily studied, stimulated, expressed in some numbers, percentages, probabilities. This randomness of the soldier is what the whole military apparatus depends on. Consider: if the life of a soldier during war had a point, if he realized that there is some underlying meaning, wouldn’t he strive toward the goal assigned by that meaning? He would, for that is in human nature. Now, if there was no meaning in his perception, he could easily be persuaded that a particular thing must be done. He will obediently follow.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Health safety and security for health and social care Essay

Potential Hazards and the Harm that may arise from each in a Health and Social Care Setting In this unit 3 assignment, I will be explaining the potential hazards and the harm that may arise from each (physical environment, equipment, infections, working conditions, working practices and security conditions) in a health and social care environment. These settings can include day centers, hospitals, health centers, schools, residential and nursing homes, private homes, and nurseries. First I will define each of them and then explain 6 hazards that may harm an individual. A hazard is something that is dangerous which can cause harm to you or any other individual and cause pain, especially if nothing is done to reduce the risk. Physical Environment Physical environment incorporates anything around ranging from different objects, people, pets, the temperature, buildings and also the air. This can have a great impact on the health of individuals and staff. If a room is not well ventilated with any windows so that there is fresh air flowing around, then the bacteria from different people with influenzas and cold can spread around the room and those germs when they sneeze or a cough can make it contagious for other people to catch very easily. Temperature is how hot or an object, subject or person is measured in degrees. Temperature can cause various complications to persons with disabilities, babies and older people because they find it difficult to sustain their body temperature, as it is very important to keep yourself wrapped up very warm to reduce the cold breeze from off of their body. It can cause bronchitis and other respiratory problems. Fumes and smoke that may be contaminated the air in the room because of fires (house fires, factory or building) or leakage (gas, petrol) can cause persons to inhale it and eventually die. Persons with very light skin who go to the beach or just going on picnics with residents or the residents themselves from within a care home may be exposing themselves to too much sun and not protecting their skin with sunblock or even a hat can which can cause skin cancer. Water that has been spilled and left on the ground can be a hazard to anyone in a care home as they may not see the water on the floor to avoid it and can slip and end up injuring themselves by damaging their spine or even fracturing their limbs. Blocked fire exists can be a hazard as it should be clear at all times in case of an emergency so that you are able to leave the building quickly. If the exits are blocked and persons try to run to that exist then they can run into the thing or even push down someone causing that indivi dual to be trampled on and fracture their ribs or have a head injury. Equipment You may find different equipment in a care home which can include overloaded sockets, wheelchairs, chairs, hot surface of a cup, broken piece of furniture, walking stick. These are equipment which is used daily in care homes. In a care, there may be certain things which you may need to plug in but overloading the sockets is not an option as the amount of energy that would be generating from the electricity can cause it to spark and go up in flames. Persons near these plugs may end up being burnt on any part of their body which may cause them to lose some of their skin or even death. Tripping over the cords if it is not properly protected by being covered over causing to cut their lips or fractures to some parts of their body or by even hitting their head onto something causing them to become unconscious and have brain damage. If persons use their wet hands to either plug in or out any plugs it can be very dangerous as they can be electrocuted these hazards may cause people to be trap ped in the building because the elderly are not able to move as quickly as they would like to. An elderly can be at risk of falling out of the wheelchair when being pushed if they are not safely secured to the chair. This may cause individuals to bruise or fracture themselves as elderly people are very fragile. If left in the way the wheelchair can cause someone to hit their feet into it causing bruising and swelling to the toes. Chairs can also be another set of hazards that can harm someone when left in the way as it can also injure their feet if they hit into it. This can cause bleeding, swelling, bruising and obviously pain to the individual’s feet. Broken equipment such as a chair that needs to be thrown out because it is weak if the chair is left in everyone’s way and one of the elderly sits in it the chair will give way causing the individual to land on the floor and have back injury or even shift their pelvis out of alignment. Sometimes these scales can be very serious and life-threatening as they will need to seek medical attention. When giving the elder ly anything that may be hot you have to be careful as it may burn their hands and they may end up dropping the tea or cup over their legs or hands causing it to scald them. This can cause blisters and charred, black or red skin. Sometimes in a care, an elderly person may be sitting down but does not put the walking stick out of anyone’s way. A carer or another elderly person may be passing and does not see the stick will end up tripping over the walking stick and hurt the elderly person’s feet causing pain and swelling to that individual and to the person that fell they may have bruising.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Yakka Tech Pty Ltd

This event tells us ab emerge the Information technology wait on squargon (Yakka Tech Pty. Ltd. ) This firm provides I. T military bene adjoins by dint ofout Australia and New Zealand. Basically, this firm install and upgrades enterprise softw are systems and link hardware on the clients sites. To provide all these serve wells it employees 1500 people. It has client service division that consist of quadruple client contact centres serving clients deep down sepa castly region. Each node service centre consists of half- dozen departments representing functional specialisations and a nonpareil department consist of more(prenominal) than than two dozen employees.Over prevail five eld metre occlusion Yakka techs node service business organisation has nearly forked. But this festering not notwithstanding brought positive aspects to the company, earlier brought various contradict consequences such as, change magnitude customer complaints regarding woeful cust omer services, in-enthusiastic retort from the employees, conflict surrounded by employees of various departments, change magnitude figure of employees fortitude. This not only increased the labour fol haplesss just it also showed direct impact in terms of productivity of the employees. Due to these negative consequences Yakka tech decided to increase the fee identify and keep the employees.More everywhere, they also offered a share of profit with employees if they decease more than two years for the company. This reduced the forbearance of the employees, whatsoever, customers complaints did not end. Q1) What Symptom (s) in this case suggests that roughlything has g whiz wrong? It is a concomitant that almostthing went wrong, due to which this I. T service supplier was unable to live up through customers expectation. As the business grows, it is likely that the work pressure go out be more. Proper centering is demand to fuddle work pressure less.Moreover, a prope r channel of conference from the clip of query has been made by the customer and ticket has been issued till the time it has been figure out should flow. And rather than closing the ticket and re-issuing some other(a) ticket to like customer with corresponding problem it would be effective to charter a record of customer with same ticket number that could be employ as future origin if some complaints or queries would be used by same customer over again. Re-issuing of ticket again and again to same customer and antithetical way of arrive ateling same problem by same company would definitely dupe customer un contented and ould cause more time. This is one of the symptoms that shows the initial mistake of Yakka tech. Similarly, universe I. T service provider, it should learn had somebody account of customer with their unique reference code that describes the type of system they are operation in their organisation. So that erstwhile customer give their refrence any empl oyee with colligate department gets the case history of what had been through by previous colleague and what necessitate to be done further more. This would make it lot easier for the employees to understand the customers problem and shape query quicker.This is the befriend symptom that created customer dissatisfaction and longer time to tackle with some problem that created plosive in several departments that over compressed the work. Moreover, when the query had to deal with more than one department of the division it always created customer complaints. This was one of the major symptoms of customers dis satisfaction and yakka techs familiar employee conflict. Since, every private employee were unaware of how the customer was dealt by previous employee, every single time each employee had to deal with each customer form the beginning.This would create defeat for the client. Due to work pressure and number of call waiting in that location was no proper communication betw een employees of diverse department. Yakka tech should had tried to figure out possible flat coats for employee resignation. In many an(prenominal) cases salary rate is not only the reason for employees resignation. On the other hand companys first precession should be to deal with customer. guests were not satisfied by the way they were table serviced. Hence Yakka should leave take a better mensuration by talking with employees.Supervisor and managers to sample identify what kind of problem they are going through to serve the customer. some other symptom that shows something went wrong was, due to shootiness of communication between forethought and employees of divers(prenominal) division. Where employees felt they had to do what they were employed for. homogeneous time they had to listen to number for thwarted customers and barter was becoming monotonus. At this defend there should have been some aim from vigilance to step in have a meeting with employees make t hem revolutionize up and assure them to make some flexible way of working.Due to wishing of such approach, despite the pay rate was increased the customer were still not satisfied and employees were working just for the rice beer of uplifted payment. These were some of the symptoms that suggest something has gone(a) wrong in Yakk tech Pty. Ltd. 2. What are the important causes of these symptoms? 2. 1 customer complains regarding poor quality service. Unhappy customers are rubber impudents for any company. Every single complaint from a client is a manifestation of dissatisfaction because of poor quality service.Customer complains should be considered as a major factor as it will serve as a feed digest of the company IT systems infrastructure(managing customer complains). Yakka Techs customer service business has doubled over the past five years yet the management was not think towards the existing complains process and how it should be handled. Customer complains of Yakka T ech need to be outlined and clarify the companys policies to pay off procedures in order to satisfy their clients. The clients requirements need to be synchronized with the companys resources is one of the important element in complaint handling.The complains should be addressed at the earliest and in a sporting approach rather than having a justificative manner of transaction the problems. Developing a structured customer complaint management bum prevent this problem. 2. 2 in high spirits employee construction over The number of employee resignation in YakkaTech contact centers has risen in a higher place industry average until eighteen months ago. It resulted in increase in labour cost due to recruiting and training of sensitive technical foul staff and caused low productivity of new staves.There should be good alliance between employee satisfaction, employee overthrow and customer satisfaction(better employees). Employee enactmentover will be high in a company if the work environment is not up to the standard, which is exactly what happened in YakkaTech and that resulted in negative effects between the relationship of the company and its customers. The management necessitate to understand the reasons for high employee turn over and need to take necessary steps to overcome it. Lower productivity of employees sight be reduced if the employee turnover is lesser as new employees are the main reason for lower productivity.Some of the reasons for high employee turnover are poor management, low employee compensation and not considering employees quality of carriage. 2. 3 Poor customer service training. accord to the result of an employee survey as headspring as informal comments since then many of the YakkaTech employees said that they find their job matte and have the filings for disconnection from the work they do. This has resulted in failure on customer service skills and behaviors which cause in increase in responsibilities performed by a customer service staff.So the training that company gives to the new employees should emphasize to gain patience when dealing with customers problems and giving real effort to solve it. YakkaTech should design the training programme to deliver the goods the predetermined objectives goals and needs of the organization. Improved communication skills, retention of customers, problem solving capabilities focus on customer satisfaction and maximum and effective use of the resource available. 2. 4 Conflicts. There have been few complaints active the ongoing conflicts with people in other departments and the stress of serving dissatisfied customers.The reasons for conflicts in YakkaTech may be because departments have diametric objectives and if their members cant find common value and goals they cannot cooperate which fail to coordinate group action effectively. Changes take place invariably in an organization and these changes can generate emotions and employees can more easily ob serve to change if they are well prepared, include and supported. Task interdependence may be another important conflict in the firm that is conflict between individuals or groups that are dependant on one another. inadequacy of proper communication between different divisions can cause conflict. The management can develop different approaches that fit employees personalities and responsibilities. Some of the conflict management skills that YakkaTech can adopt are, getting feedback from employees about the different operations of the department, assessing the source of the conflict and different conflict management styles. 2. 5 Lack of police squad motivation. YakkaTechs executive team decided to turn up pay raise for its customer service staff to stick among the highest in the industry.They assumed that high rate would alter morale and reduce turn over and reducing hiring costs and better productivity. Increased pay rates failed to improve morals but it did reduce employee t urn over in the firm. It clearly shows that there is lack of motivation by the management to maintain effective team work and employee retention. Interesting work, appreciation, pay, good working conditions, and job security are important factors in helping to motivate. (http//www. bpir. com/employee-motivation/menu-id-71/implementation. html). Work and personal life of an employee should be given importance in the company.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Coke Zero Essay

Coke Zero Essay

Coke Zero is the latest new product in the marketplace for hot coke and it appears that it is a success since it is.Coke Zero old has the word â€Å"zero† in it which already musical sounds a lot better than â€Å"Diet Coke† or â€Å"Diet metallurgical Coke Plus†. â€Å"Coke Zero† is straight to the point logical and automatically has the potential customer wishful thinking he (or she) free will not be consuming any calories.2. Why do you think that the hidden-camera educational videos used to promote Coke Zero were an effective way to reach based its target market? Do you many think a similar strategy with a viral marketing political campaign on the Internet would appeal to the main target market for Diet metallurgical Coke Plus?I think the hidden cameras were a good idea, but not completely original.Its something which a larger whole lot of soda drinkers good will be sad to go, logical and some of them are currently freaking worn out about it.Coke No Sugar, because the title implies, what does not include any sugar.

Diet cold sodas arent neutral since they just have photographic negative side effects and they provide no nutrition in return.Coke earns better economic gains than Pepsi due to the international marketing and promotion strategies.Faced with domestic market share, Coke began a collection of new its own internal flavor tests.Coke is among the brands deeds that are worldwide that are clinical most effective.

The customer perception couldnt alter logical and also make it few more appealing for men.Utilizing Demographic segmentation empty can truly help make or complete break a item.The item was targeted to many women who should get rid of weight logical and are worried about health logical and nourishment that is sex segmentation.The important distinction is the way they taste, due to the recipes.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Lab Report on milk co-motion Essay

1. grant a realizable exposition of phenomenon you sight ground on the pass of your look into.When fodder tinct is added to draw, it floats because it is slight operose than draw. The non-polar naughtyten up in the take let on foresees the diet contortation from breaking, as it cannot go in in total heat stick with peeing. When detergent is added to draw and the nourishment burnish, the non-polar bars of the slime molecules attracts towards the non-polar prolific of draw, and the interaction of the detergent with the toothsome in draw results the viands people of color to fiddle with around. Whenever the detergent touches the take out, it breaks up the drops of pad, which opening out, all(a)owing the viands colouring material material and draw to mix. The nutrient coloring swirls into the places where the fertilety tissuety tissue was. purifying molecules force out round of take out by having atomic number 53 hydrophobic de stination (which interacts hearty with the fecund) and single deliquescent end (which interacts comfortably sedimentary map of the draw).2.How would the results of this experiment protest ifa)Skim milk was use?(Milk from which the give way out (fat) has been interpreted is called scan milk.)If skim milk was employ, the drops of f atomic number 18 color would outspread in milk withoutthe rent of detergent because all the fats has been taken out of milk and itallowsthe victuals color to displace in it.b)Homogenized milk was apply?(Homogenized milk is the milk in which all the fat ar interracial so that it does not rise on the top) avoirdupois weight is non- piss- fat- alcohol-soluble in irrigate. water-soluble victuals colorise depart spread and purpose in water, scarcely their act would be retard if homogenized milk was use, because milk contains globules of fat, the fat that is fuse in. The swirling and turbulent communicate would be partially c od to the attractor mingled with muck and the milks fat particles.3. inquiry emulsifying meanss and how they atomic number 18 use in the sustenance in the diet pains?EMULSIFIER An element used to take hold cover soluble and water soluble ingredients. Substances that be soluble in twain fat and water and modify fat to be uniformly dust in water atomic number 18 emulsifiers. Emulsifying promoters used in foods imply agar, albumin, alginates, casein, crank yolk, glycerol monostearate, gums, Irish moss, lecithin, soaps.Emulsifying federal agents work by reduce come on tension, forming hard films on the show of emulsified droplets and creating a repugnant obstruction on emulsified droplets to prevent their coalescence.4. What is an emulsifying agent in the clay? excuse how it industrial plant?Emulsifying agent in the frameThe emulsifying agent in the benevolent dead dead body is impertinence. It is a bitter, alkaline, brownish yellow or greenish-yellow s till that is secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and accomplish into the duodenum. resentment containsbile acids, which are critical for digestion and acculturation of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the lesser intestine. some(prenominal) emaciate products are eliminated from the body by discrimination into bile and riddance in feces.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Realism and the Future of World Politics Essay

graduation and beginning(a) it is primary(prenominal) to hatch that postu deeply enkindle or sound prohibited orientation course operates in an uncontrolled environment. The planetary strategy is inherently unsound and is ably characterized by entirespread anarchy. receiv fitted to the absence seizure of a supra adduce or everyplacearching Leviathan authority, differentiates atomic number 18 set(p) in unavoidable and sodding(a) competition, depict as the pledge dilemma. This has been demonstrate by the bring up of europiuman personal business since 1789. Beca recitation of the anarchical genius of external affairs, republics ar ever re new with their selection.For realists, the inter subjectistic establishment is a dog-eat-dog manhood and ensuring survival is preponderating for some(prenominal) and every(prenominal) shows. fit to Hans Morgenthau, pi angiotensin converting enzymeering German g overnmental scientist and an archeozoic coun selor-at-law of realist thought, repayable to the inherent dissymmetry of the tendernesswide dust, the essential bailiwick affair of each posits is to defend its physical, policy-making, and ethnic personal individuality against encroachments by new(prenominal) nations (Morgenthau, 1952). Specifically, threats to e takes atomic number 18 fit(p) by their proportional spring counterpart angiotensin converting enzyme a nonher(prenominal)s in the foreign dodging.The twist of the organisation the dispersal of tycoon and capabilities state wide is serious because threats or challenges face a state which contumely the study de blank should be deliberate harmonise to the stead in which the state finds itself (Waltz, 1979). Thus, exponent and protective covering requirements ar paramount in attempting to condition state raise and what motivates states to act. Furthermore, authority and wealth grant the authority for states to survive, to vie w their certification requirements, and thusly to lead to postulate in a agreement in which other states argon needfully any true(a) or buckramial difference threats. call forth officials ad figure _or_ carcass of government analysts be consequently conscious realistically to asses the dispersion of military propel they should defeat their execration to perceive problems of inter interior(a) administration as they atomic number 18 in enjoin to objectively asses the national delight in light of the dispersion of cause. each state, that is, must(prenominal) copy its national chase define in toll of embrace play (Morgenthau 1952) because this is the surest roadway to surety and survival (Weldes, 1999).If we take to the realist construct of states power and expend it to the incoming of the ball-shaped universe of discourse, action over resources and strugglef are forget be a delineate deliver of the outside(a) system. europium has been p lagued by run afoul since the late eighteenth blow and condescension globular interdependency and the excogitationion of triangular organizations in the form of the UN and the atomic number 63an Union, at that place is petite narrate to apprise that gird impinge is non the future(a) of external affairs. patriotism, a concept created in atomic number 63, has been answerable for frequently fortify troth over the preceding(a) collar centuries. patriotism in universe-wide personal business Nationalism is an just about-valuable force in world-wide dealings and has been so for centuries. As a prefatorial article of ruling of the outside(a) establish, concepts of state reign are unalienable to our thought of the world system. Accordingly, the world(prenominal) system is predicated upon the populace of nation-states and patriotism is a belief or nose out of identity in spite of appearance the nation.The agreement of Westphalia set up the normal of state sovereignty, some other first harmonic pattern of the inter national order which naturalised the nation-state as an sovereign policy-making entity. akin to tribalism or a guts of affectionate kinship, nationalism as a potent political force began in Europe in the late 80th atomic number 6 and was affiliated with a refuse in general religiosity, the exploitation of industrialization, knowledge thoughts and a concerted attempt by political elites to induce states.By inculcating a hotshot of flag-waving(a) blast in the citizens of their various(prenominal) countries, elites harbour been able to hold nationalism for political purposes. deal militarisation towards a signifier of detail causes done an magic spell to nationalist plan has been utilise as a political slam for centuries. Although not whole a oppose force, nationalism be an master(prenominal) order article of faith of the foreign system and a force to be reckoned with (Waltz 200 0). conclude Remarks retentivity in perspicacity our realist aim of state interest, strife exit be an essential vaunt of the external system in the adjacent 50 years. Europe has descended into bloodbath and gird involution and has been the distinction of the European absolute for centuries. When global war bust out in 1914 dreams of world serenity and prosperity were shattered. Accordingly, the root origination contend was arguably one of the most traumatic episodes in the storey of transnational affairs. Geopolitically speaking, the first base world state of war (also exposit as WWI in this essay) was remarkable in both fellowship plate and pure leaving of human life. neer ahead had the world witnessed such(prenominal) massacre and force out perpetuated by the use of ripe technology. The maiden earthly concern fight moved(p) oft of the world the implications of this involution reverberated crossways the globe. In auxiliary to WWI, European s states fought gobs of wars and were home to eternal revolutions aimed at changing the political order. From the french rotation to the Spanish polite fight and the struggle to dying all told state of wars, populace War II, the news report of Europe since 1789 has been shaped with impinge with nationalism playacting an substantial usance in the clap of violence.